Resources designed to empower Trout Unlimited volunteers to build and sustain healthy and effective chapters and councils.
Top Tacklebox resources for volunteers
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Risk Management & Financial Controls Resources
Safeguarding TU assets, protecting your chapter or council against liability, and ensuring our credibility remains strong relies on a focused effort to make sure all the policies, procedures and requirements are being followed. These essential steps not only help prevent future issues, they strengthen your practices and increase your abilities as a volunteer-led organization.
Council Leader Resources
Designed for the officers, directors and committee leaders of our 36 state council, these resources include council officer resources, National Leadership Council information, council board & committee resources, council leadership development resources
Chapter Leader Resources
Designed for the officers, directors and committee leaders of our 385+ local chapters, these resources cover chapter leaderships, requirements of managing a nonprofit and a TU chapter, strategic planning, leadership recruitment and development and more.
Conservation & Science Resources
At the core of the “Sustain” part of our mission, are the activities that help build a community within our chapters. Efforts to engage and educate the next generation of conservationists, to broaden the diversity of our members and leaders and to serve and connect with the first responder and military communities are critical to building strong and healthy chapters and councils.
Headwaters Youth Resources
At the core of our mission are the activities that help build a community within our chapters. Efforts to engage and educate the next generation of conservationists, to broaden the diversity of our members and leaders and to serve and connect with families & youth are the key to the future.
Membership Recruitment & Engagement Resources
With more than 300,000 members and supporters, TU’s greatest strength is the army of angler advocates and volunteers we can muster to lead, support and promote our organization and its mission. At the chapter and council level, recruiting new members and getting existing members more active are among the best ways to grow your volunteer and resource pool and increase your local work.
Communications Resources
Effective communications are essential to success in all of our chapter, council and national activities. In this day and age, reaching members, potential members and supporters requires a healthy mix of print, digital and social media communications and use of messages and images proven to grow the TU brand and awareness and participation in our work.
Fundraising Resources
From banquets and traditional fundraising, to our vendor partner discount program and new fundraisers such as film tours and brewery events, there are plenty of tried and true tactics to raise money to support your mission. Review resources, guides, and see the lessons learned from fellow volunteers.
Trainings, Regional & Annual Events
Learn about powerful weekend retreats where you can meet and network with fellow volunteers, attend live online webinar trainings with TU staff and outside experts, and view recordings of past sessions and helpful tips for using and navigating the TU leaders tools.