Protect The Waters
You Love!

Your support empowers Trout Unlimited to protect and restore vital freshwater ecosystems, conserve threatened fish species, and advocate for sustainable fisheries management, ensuring healthy rivers and streams for generations to come.

With your help, we can protect, restore and reconnect millions of watershed landscapes, thousands of miles of rivers and streams and hundreds of acres of wildlife habitat.

Your support helps us to engage in advocacy issues at the local, state, and federal levels to support regulations that protect freshwater ecosystems and fisheries.

Your donation is funding over 3,000 boots-on-the-ground conservation and science monitoring projects to enhance and restore critical habitats to remove barriers such as dams and culverts.

Thanks to your support, we’ll engage over 90,000 young people with more than 3,000 youth activities and inspire a younger, more diverse array of conservation advocates for our wild and native trout and salmon.  

2024 Embrace A Stream Program