Barrier removal

Reconnection Report Card — New York Priority Waters 

Crews work on a new road stream crossing on the Stony Kill, which flows into the Hudson River estuary. It was one of seven barrier improvement projects TU crews completed in New York Priority Waters watersheds in 2024.

As it is throughout trout country, the reconnection of fragmented or dammed rivers resides at the core of TU’s strategy to maintain and improve the habitat of New York’s wild trout.  

With our small but mighty team, TU’s staff team in New York completed seven culvert replacements in 2024 while employing a seasonal field crew to survey, quite literally, several hundred more culverts and stream crossings to be reviewed for future replacement. 
Here are some stats & photos on the projects completed this year around TU’s Priority Waters in New York: 

Adirondacks- Brewery Road   

Beaver River Watershed – Lake Ontario Tributary  

Total Reconnection – 2.96 Miles  

Adirondacks – Long Pond  
Beaver River Watershed – Lake Ontario Tributary  

Total Reconnection – 10.70 Miles 

North Branch Saranac – Lake Champlain Tributary  

Total Reconnection – 1.60 Miles  

Taconic Range-Haddock  
Stony Kill – Hudson River Estuary

Total Reconnection – 3.50 Miles  

Taconic Range-George  
Fitting Creek – Hudson River Estuary  

Total Reconnection – 6.16 Miles  

Upper Susquehanna- Ives  
Wylie Brook – Upper Susquehanna Tributary  

Total Reconnection – 3.41 Miles  

Upper Delaware-Mellis  

Mellis Brook – East Branch Delaware Tributary  

Total Reconnection – 3.57 Miles