Unassessed Waters

Documenting previously unknown populations of wild trout in Pennsylvania

A vision for unlimited clean water
Support local stream restoration…and double your impact!

Every dollar you contribute has twice the impact thanks to matching funds from local chapters.


The Pennsylvania Unassessed Waters Initiative is an effort to document the abundance and biomass of wild trout in waters previously unassessed. As a partner in the effort, Trout Unlimited staff conducted electrofishing surveys to determine the presence and quantify the abundance of wild trout, which then leads to further protection of streams because of their newly documented value. As of 2018, more than 1,600 streams and over 5,600 stream miles have received additional protections over the seven years of the Initiative because of the efforts of Trout Unlimited and other partners.

A vision for unlimited clean water
Support local stream restoration…and double your impact!

Every dollar you contribute has twice the impact thanks to matching funds from local chapters.