Join Us in Conserving, Protecting, and Restoring the Snake River Headwaters Through Old Bill's

Cold, clean, fishable water. Our local Snake River finespotted cutthroat trout and treasured headwaters streams rely on your support to stay healthy and resilient into the future. This incredible fish and its rugged habitat is the inspiration for the Snake River Headwaters Home Rivers Initiative – and why Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited is honored to once again be participating in Old Bill’s Fun Run. Thanks to this community’s incredible support of this Initiative, we have made an incredible impact, with over 5 miles of stream reconnected and 2.5 miles restored in 2017.

Now in our third year, we have over seven active projects currently underway. These projects on Spread Creek, Bar BC Spring, Game Creek, the Hoback River, Greys River, and tributaries to the Salt River will ensure unimpeded migration, habitat diversity, and water quality for native fish. Your support enables us to provide crucial seed funding to initiate projects, which is then matched by grant funding (typically at a ratio of 10:1 or better) to bring them to completion. In addition, we continue to educate the next generation of coldwater conservation stewards through our Jackson Adopt-a-Trout program, and engaged community members by offering more ways to get involved with our on-the-ground work.

Please consider a gift to Trout Unlimited – Jackson Hole to continue to build on this momentum and support your local chapter’s other new and exciting efforts. For more information, visit

the JHTU board

Photo by Fish Eye Guy Photography

By Leslie Steen.