Trout Unlimited has partnered with Costa and SweetWater on five major “Kick Plastic” trash cleanups in the East for this summer. The Roanoke cleanup will be on the Roanoke River from 1-4 p.m. on Aug. 4.
Meet at Wasena Park (near the Vic Thomas bridge) at 1 p.m. Cleanup materials will be provided but please bring gloves and wear shoes and clothing suitable for wading. We also invite volunteers who have canoes or kayaks to bring those to access more remote stream sections.
Trout Unlimited will have snacks and a vat of ice water so volunteers can fill up their reusable water bottles.
After the cleanup we’ll meet for a celebration at Mellow Mushroom starting at 4:30. There will be giveaways and TU will buy the first round of Kick Plastic Pilsner for all volunteers (21 and over). Mello Mushroom will offer food specials.
To volunteer, please fill out the form below: