Join us January 6 for a brown bag discussion about bringing back fishable and resilient populations of salmon and steelhead to the lower Snake River.
Rob Masonis, vice president western conservation, Trout Unlimited
Helen Neville, senior scientist, Trout Unlimited
When: Jan. 6, 12 pm PST
Register in advance: Email for call in info
For decades fish populations have slumped, causing deep divisions within the Pacific Northwest. More than $16 billion have been spent on restoration efforts to little effect, making extinction of this iconic species a credible and pressing threat.
But there is good news. Today, there is an organized and promising effort to restore fish runs while meeting the needs of region.
The science shows the most promising solution include removal of four dams on the lower Snake River. Join us as Rob Masonis, vice president for western conservation and Helen Neville, senior scientist, walk through the science, the politics and how you can help us embark on the biggest river restoration in history.