For some of us long-time trout anglers, the idea of spey casting on trout water used to seem kind of pointless. Who needs to throw that much line, for crying out loud?

Well, honestly, you do. And so do I. So, if we don’t know how to spey cast, it’s time we learn, right?

The single spey is likely the easiest to pick up, largely because it’s basically an extension of the roll cast, which is something most of us use at a regular clip, anyway.

Above, RIO Products’ Simon Gawesworth demonstrates the proper single-spey technique, including mention of “the point,” or the target of the cast, which is usually at a 40-degree downstream angle. Note how Simon puts a special emphasis on starting the single-spey cast at the point, not with the rod facing completely downstream.

The essence of this advice is simple. By starting at the point, you’re maximizing tension. When you bring the rod up to make the cast and form the “D-loop,” you essentially end up with your backcast behind you, where it belongs, not over your shoulder, where you’ll be forced to change its momentum and, therefore, reduce its power.

More to come from RIO’s spey-casting series. Stay tuned.