
Exploring conservation through TU Expeditions

Learn More and Apply Today!

We are excited to announce our second summer of Trout Unlimited Expeditions.

TU Expeditions offer high school and college students a unique opportunity to engage in hands-on conservation work, develop outdoor skills and build lifelong connections with like-minded peers. These immersive programs blend adventure, education and service to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.

This year, the expedition takes place in the Klamath River Basin, a region rich in history, biodiversity and ongoing restoration efforts.

Expeditioners will gain firsthand experience in conservation by working alongside professionals who are actively restoring the Klamath River Basin. As one of the largest dam removal and river restoration projects in history unfolds, participants will learn about the critical role of habitat restoration, fish passage and watershed health. Through hands-on work such as riparian and water table restoration, students will contribute directly to the ongoing efforts to revitalize this river system.

On all expeditions, several days will be spent taking an intensive look at the large-scale conservation efforts in the region, completing meaningful fieldwork and learning from professionals engaged in restoring the watershed.

TU Expeditions hosts youth from all over the country. The high school expeditions are longer, giving time for deeper immersion into the community and allowing participants to build connections with local youth for a day while applying their knowledge through hands-on teaching of watershed science and fly fishing at the Klamath Outdoor Science School.

The college expeditions are abbreviated, to fit college student’s busy schedules, with the focus being on fieldwork and learning about conservation. All expeditioners will also take part in a community river cleanup in partnership with Rivers are Life, reinforcing the importance of stewardship and fostering a collective commitment to protecting waterways.

TU Expeditions serve as an experience that ignites and deeply informs a passion for protecting natural resources and highlights the importance of giving back to the land. It also provides a platform for students to connect with peers who share similar interests, creating a strong and supportive network of conservation-minded individuals.

If you’re passionate about conservation, adventure and community, TU Expeditions is the perfect place to grow, learn and make an impact.

Click here to learn more about the program and how to apply today!

By Zoe Mihalas.