Trout Unlimited Media Resources

Trout Unlimited is the nation’s leading conservation organization uniting people behind clean waters, healthy fish, and thriving communities. Are you a reporter on deadline? Reach out to one of our communications directors to get the information you need. Working on a longer piece about trout and salmon, rivers and streams, and the conservation issues facing them? Scroll on to see how Trout Unlimited scientists, policy experts and local, on-the-ground field staffers can help advance your story. Looking for ideas? Check out our storylines and press releases.

Media contacts 

VP for Communications and Brand

National Communications Director

Alaska Communications and Engagement Director

Pacific Communications Director

California Public Lands Director

Rocky Mountain Communications Director

Eastern Communications Director

Trout Unlimited experts

Searching for a subject-matter expert? We can help. From fisheries biologists and water policy experts to stream restoration specialists and lawyers, Trout Unlimited has more than 300 staffers working nationally and in their communities to protect and restore healthy waters and healthy fisheries. If you’re not seeing what you’re after, that doesn’t mean TU can’t help. Please reach out to one of the communications directors listed above.  


Chris Wood

President and CEO 
Arlington, Va. 
Forestry, mining reform, Good Sam mine cleanup, water policy, Snake River dams, public lands, fisheries 

David Kinney

Rob Masonis

Vice President for the Pacific Region 
Seattle, Wash. 
Salmon and steelhead; fisheries management; water and fisheries law and policy 

Greg Fitz

Emily Olsen

Vice President for the Rocky Mountain Region 
Denver, Colo. 
Public lands policy, forests and wildfire, federal funding, conservation finance 

Nick Gann

Keith Curley

Vice President for Eastern Conservation 
Concord, N.H. 
Fish passage, fisheries restoration, FEMA, Eastern brook trout, Atlantic salmon restoration  

Mark Taylor 

Warren Colyer

National Restoration Director 
Missoula, Mont. 
Fisheries and habitat restoration strategies; native trout; Forest Service, Fish & Wildlife Service, NOAA partnerships 

David Kinney

Steve Kandell

National Campaign Director 
Durango, Colo. 
Public lands protection, national monuments, Antiquities Act 

Zoe Bommarito 

Nellie Williams

Alaska Director
Anchorage, Alaska
Bristol Bay protection, Pebble mine, Tongass National Forest, all things Alaska

Marian Giannulis

Amy Wolfe

Northeast Habitat Program Director 
Lock Haven, Pa. 
Abandoned coal mine cleanup and policy; Eastern brook trout restoration 

Mark Taylor 

Jason Willis 

Western Abandoned Mine Lands Program Director 
Salida, Colo. 
Abandoned hard rock mine cleanup, Western Abandoned mines

Nick Gann

Dustin Wichterman 

Mid-Atlantic Coldwater Habitat Restoration Associate Director 
Circleville, W.V. 
Eastern brook trout, stream restoration, Farm Bill programs, fish passage, community science, fisheries biology and management

Mark Taylor

Nate Rees 

Arizona State Lead 
Tempe, Ariz.
Apache trout, stream restoration, Southwest water issues

Nick Gann

Chrysten Rivard 

Oregon Director 
Ashland, Ore. 
Water leasing, Upper Klamath restoration, Oregon habitat restoration, fish passage, forestry management 

Greg Fitz 

Water, Climate, Energy and Mining Policy

Lindsay Slater

Vice President for Government Affairs 
Arlington, Va. 
Congress, Snake River dams, mining reform, climate change 

David Kinney

Corey Fisher

Public Lands Policy Director 
Missoula, Mont. 
Mining reform, Good Sam abandoned mine cleanups, public lands

Zoe Bommarito 

Tasha Sorensen

Western Energy Lead 
Shoshone, Idaho 
Energy policy, responsible energy development & siting on public lands

Zoe Bommarito 

Brian Johnson

Senior Policy Advisor, Western Water and Climate 
Emeryville, Calif. 
Climate change, Western water policy, dam removal, Klamath dams 

David Kinney

Sara Porterfield

Western Water Policy Advisor  
Boulder, Colo. 
Western water policy, Farm Bill, WaterSMART, Colorado River Basin

Nick Gann

Austin Williams

Director of Federal Relations 
Anchorage, Ala. 
Federal agencies, infrastructure and conservation funding, Alaska, Bristol Bay / Pebble mine, Tongass National Forest, Roadless Rule, old growth, salmon

Marian Giannulis

Trout and Salmon

Helen Neville

Senior Scientist 
Boise, Idaho 
Trout and salmon ecology and evolution, conservation genetics, climate change, Snake River dams

David Kinney

Dan Dauwalter

Fisheries Science Director 
Boise, Idaho 
Fisheries ecology and population biology; multispecies and watershed approaches to freshwater fish conservation; fisheries monitoring  

David Kinney

Gary Marston

Wild Steelheaders Science Advisor 
Olympia, Wash. 
Salmon and steelhead fisheries science; hatchery and wild fish interaction 

Greg Fitz

Haley Ohms

Salmon Biologist 
Walla Walla, Wash. 
Anadromous species conservation and fisheries management; hydropower/fish passage at dams; climate impacts (especially drought) 

Greg Fitz

Brian Hodge

Fisheries Scientist 
Steamboat Springs, Colo. 
Cutthroat trout, stream restoration, water and fisheries monitoring, catch-and-release science, Didymo

David Kinney                                                                 

Great Lakes Steam Restoration Manager 
Clarkston, Mich.
Great Lakes brook trout, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic invasive species, Didymo, New Zealand mud snail, decontamination, restoration

Mark Taylor 

Jake Lemon

Monitoring and Community Science Coordinator 
Rockford, Mich. 
Monitoring technology, stream assessments                                

Mark Taylor

Kirk Deeter

Vice President for Angling & Editorial Director
Steamboat Springs, Colo. 
Trout and salmon fishing; flyfishing industry

Kirk Deeter                                                        

Kevin Terry

Southwest Program Director 
South Fork, Colo.
Southwestern native trout, Upper Rio Grande Watershed

Nick Gann                                                        

Eastern Communications Director 
Roanoke, Va. 
Trout fishing

Mark Taylor                                                                                                

Greg Fitz

Pacific Communications Director 
Olympia, Wash. 
Steelhead and salmon fishing

Greg Fitz                                                        


After the world’s largest dam removal, what’s next?

On the Klamath River, four dams are coming out in the largest removal project in history. What does that mean for recovery of one of the West’s great salmon and steelhead runs?

New bridge replacing culvert to allow for better fish passage.

How infrastructure dollars are flowing

Once-in-a-generation infrastructure investments are finally getting on the ground. But it’s not just bridges, roads, airports, electric vehicles and the like. This historic funding has natural infrastructure projects blooming across the country, from man-made beaver dams that store water and act as firebreaks to retrofitted culverts that reopen fragmented ecosystems and mitigate flooding.

TU in the news

Return of the Native Brook Trout

“On the back of a determined West Virginian—and private landowners and government agencies
alike—the vaunted and cherished brook trout just might be making a miracle comeback.”

With beavers missing from the landscape, humans do the dirty work

“Scientists know beavers create landscapes better adapted to climate change. Here’s what they’re doing in ecosystems too degraded to support the critters.”

Opinion: Trump Weakens the Nation’s Clean Water Efforts

“The president’s decision to roll back protections is deeply misguided.”

Opinion: The Potomac River is an American success story, thanks to the Clean Water Act

“The Trump administration’s announcement puts at risk nearly 50 years of progress making rivers such as the Cuyahoga and Potomac more fishable and swimmable.”

Biden moves to ban most old-growth logging in national forests

“The most ancient trees still standing in America’s national forests would get new protections under a proposal the Biden administration announced Tuesday that would ban most logging in groves that play a vital role in fighting climate change.”

Idaho cobalt mining that devastated local water revisited with greener new approach

“Cobalt is seen as a critical mineral for ev batteries.”