
Brennan Sang

  • Why I #TUVolunteer

    Southern West Virginia chapter volunteers gather after the 20th Annual Elkhorn Creek Cleanup on April 15 in the community of Northfork, in McDowell County, W.Va. By Rob Shane When I was young, maybe 6 or 7, I had a tendency to act like a total brat — usually upset about not getting some toy that…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Pay attention

    Sometimes you have to get the trout's attention. Often, the simplest advice is the best. And when it comes to fly fishing, with all its trappings and the intimidating vocabulary ranging from fly sizes, line and rod weights, tippet sizes and sink ratings, simpler is better, particularly for folks who are just starting out. That's…

  • Short casts: Brookies, clingers and stillwaters

    Bringing brookies back to the Southern Appalachians With all the divisiveness in the air these days, it’s refreshing to see people working together to protect fish that have lived in the same streams for almost 2 million years. The brook trout, which first a rrived in the southern Appalachians about 1.8 million years ago, has…

  • Rivers and roads: Connecting people … and fish

    By Laura MacFarland A majority of Wisconsin’s 115 fish species, including trout, need to move throughout a watershed seasonally or at varying stages in their lifecycle to feed, find cooler water, avoid predators, and reach spawning habitat. Rivers, long and linear in nature, are vulnerable to habitat fragmentation thanks in part to our immense network…