
Brennan Sang

  • Conservation

    Voices from the River: Reality bats last

    Photo: Jerry McBride/Durango Herald By Randy Scholfield  It’s hard to face reality sometimes, even when it’s staring you in the face. Even when, as at present, it’s slapping us in the face.  Gaze out across another scorched summer of drought and fires in the West, and diminished water supplies and watersheds, and tell me climate…

  • Add your business to the list of Bristol Bay supporters

    In December 2017, Northern Dynasty filed for their 404 Wetlands Dredge and Fill Permit, one of the critical permits that they need to operate the mine and more specifically, rip up wetlands and fill them with mine waste. By filing for their 404 permit, Pebble's backers officially kicked off the permitting process for the project…

  • Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument turns 18

    Eighteen years ago, on June 9, 2000, President Bill Clinton signed a proclamation that designated 52,947 acres of federal land as the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument in southern Oregon. Known for its incredible biodiversity, Cascade-Siskiyou is home to blacktail deer, Roosevelt elk, cougars, and a remarkable variety of other species. In 2017, President Barack Obama expanded…

  • Fly of the week: Bird’s Nest Sulphur Emerger

    Sulphurs. Lots and lots of sulphurs. A lot of people tend focus on the insanity of the evening’s spinner fall without thinking about the just as productive — if a bit more unpredictable hatch. With the millions of nymphs necessary to create that epic spinner fall, just think about how many bugs trout manage to…

  • Conservation

    Climate change amplifies stressors, stresses PA’s state symbols

    Pennsylvania's native brook trout already face stessors. Climate change is making those stressor more accute. Photo by Chris Hunt. By Brian Wagner  On March 27, I attended a program titled, “Roundtable on Climate Change: Effects on Fish, Wildlife and Forests,” at Wilkes University in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania.   The program was put together by Ed Perry, who is the Pennsylvania outreach coordinator for the…