
Brett Prettyman

  • STREAM Girls volunteers get their feet wet

    By Tara Granke Trout Unlimited is ready to shatter stereotypes and break boundaries. In early September, TU’s Headwaters Youth Program partnered with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington to hold the first-ever Train-the-Trainer for an outdoor STEM education experience designed for middle-school aged Scouts called STREAM Girls. At this training, TU's Youth Education and Diversity/Women's…

  • Teaching Kids to Fly Fish: The Five Golden Rules

    By Kirk Deeter There is nothing more rewarding in the fishing world than teaching a young person some basics and watching that pilot light catch. I’ll trade a blanket callibaetis hatch and hundreds of popping fish heads for one pond-eat of a grasshopper fly cast by a little partner with a Snoopy rod, any day,…

  • Trout Camp 2017 Video from the Ted Trueblood Chapter

    Trout Unlimited's Ted Trueblood Chapter out of Boise, Idaho, orchestrates a summer camp for children ages 10-13 each year. The goals of this camp include educating the campers about fish, fisheries, ecosystems and environments surrounding fly fishing, and the conservation that comes along with all of that. Filmed and produced by Asa Menlove.Video of Trout…