
Chris Hunt

  • 20 Questions

    20 Questions: Mark Melnyk

    Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their lives. And, honestly, some of these…

  • Trout Talk

    What was your best fishing trip ever?

    Editor's note: Periodically, we'll pose questions to a " fly-fishing roundtable" of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. This week: What was your best fishing trip ever? The father-son North Woods adventure I’m lucky. Very lucky. I’ve been around the world with a fly rod in hand,…

  • Trout Talk

    Winter blues, cabin fever and Appalachian envy

    April is the cruelest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. —T.S. Elliot It’s still cold and gray here in the steppe country of eastern Idaho. Snow still covers the yard. Snow is still in the immediate forecast. Winter’s not done yet. Not even…

  • Trout Talk Featured

    Are you keeping more secrets these days?

    I think I’ve come full circle on the whole “secret fishing spot” argument. I’ve written three guidebooks over the years, with the intent of helping anglers enjoy the public lands resources here in Idaho and in nearby Yellowstone National Park. I also made a little money for the work, and I feel like I earned…

  • Fly tying

    Introducing ‘Tying One On,’ with TU’s own Nick Halle

    Like a lot of us, Nick's passion is fly fishing, and, like a lot of us, he ties his own flies

    At TU, many of us live to fish. For many of us here at the organization, the art of angling is what drew us to the need to protect the trout and salmon that we spend much of our lives chasing. Nick Halle is no different. As a volunteer operations coordinator, Nick is well-known among…

  • Fly tying

    Tying the Ruptured Egg Cluster for the spawn

    In just a few weeks, spring spawning trout, whitefish and suckers will migrate and begin clearing redds in rivers and streams all over America. Between late February and even into June or July at higher elevations, there will be eggs in the water, and that means predatory trout and char will be on the prowl.   Fly fishers…

  • Gear reviews

    Simms launches new Flyweight collection

    It's an interesting time for fly fishing gear manufacturers. The ongoing pandemic has cancelled trade shows and outdoor expos, so marketing departments are working through what's become an unfortunate new normal. How do you introduce a consumer base — even a loyal one — to new products? Simms is facing that challenge as I write…