
Chris Hunt

  • 20 Questions Featured

    20 Questions: Jen Ripple

    Jen Ripple, editor and publisher of DUN Magazine, has worked her tail off over the last several years, throwing everything she’s got into her passion and crafting a publication that shows how relevant women really are in the fly-fishing community.

    Editor’s note: Every so often, we’ll put movers and shakers in the fly-fishing world on the spot with our version of the Proust profile questionnaire. We’ve asked our subjects to be brutally honest and as forthright as they choose as they answer questions that might make them think, reminisce and look forward in their lives. And, honestly, some of these…

  • Featured Trout Talk

    AFFTA’s Bulis steps down

    It may not be considered remarkable news when the head of an industry trade association steps down, but for fly fishers across America, this one's different. Ben Bulis, president of the American Fly Fishing Trade Association for the past nine years, announced his resignation this week. Bulis helped rejuvenate AFFTA, working to first save the…

  • Trout Talk

    What was your first real fly rod?

    Editor's note: Periodically, we'll pose questions to a " fly-fishing roundtable" of TU anglers in hopes of spurring discussion among all anglers about all things fly fishing. What was your first real fly rod? Mark Taylor Mark Taylor: My first fly rod was a 1970s-era Eagle Claw glass rod that I got as a teenager…

  • Trout Talk Featured Trout Tips

    Mending line when indicator fishing

    One has to wonder if fly fishing would have enjoyed such a defining renaissance if Norman Maclean's father, a Presbyterian minister, was a nymph angler rather than a "purist" dry-fly fisher. Presumably, the good minister would have passed down the art of nymphing to his sons, choosing to abandon the romance associated with dry-fly fishing.…

  • Trout Tips Featured

    Tom Rosenbauer helps us understand mayflies

    Understanding the mayfly life cycle will help you catch more trout

    Mayflies. We all love them. We all fish them. But do we understand them? Orvis' Tom Rosenbauer, in association with the folks at The New Fly Fisher, notes that entomology has probably discouraged more would-be fly fishers from diving into the sport than we might ever know. But, he also says, it doesn't take a…