The eggs have arrived
Earlier this week, Utah's Division of Wildlife Resources, along with volunteers from Trout Unlimited, delivered rainbow trout eggs to 33 Utah schools taking part in the Trout in the Classroom program. The eggs are placed in specially designed tanks where students can watch them transform into baby fish. Brett Prettyman, intermountain communications director for Trout…
Video spotlight: Pure New Zealand, parts I and II
If some truly unfortunate calamity were to strike the fly-fishing filmmaking industry, and only one artist could soldier forward and make movies about our beloved pasttime, my secret hope is that that one artist would be Todd Moen. Fly fishing, perhaps because many consider it an art in and of itself, lends itself to artistic…
Skills: Tying the non-slip loop knot
I was introduced to the non-slip loop knot a few years back on my first trip to the Louisiana marsh to chase redfish with a fly rod. The guide who toted me around the marsh not far outside of New Orleans explained to me that my fly needed a bit more action and that it…
Six great winter fishing destinations
Most of trout country is in the grips of winter, but that doesn’t mean trout fishing has to stop. Fly fishing for winter trout can be just as productive as spring, summer or fall fishing if anglers take care to adjust to the changes in trout behavior, habitat and, of course, cold temperatures that might…
Video spotlight: Fishing for Aggressive Houndfish
Last summer, while walking the beach near the little village of Los Barriles on the Sea of Cortez in search of roosters and jacks, I spied some commotion just past the surf line and quickly made a cast. The baitfish imitation landed quietly in the clear water and as soon as I started the retrieve…
Fly tying: Stripping quills
Quill-body flies are some of the most beautiful creations tiers can craft at the vise, but stripping feather quills can be kind of a pain. Video of How to Strip a QuillHere, the process is somewhat demystified by Tim Flagler, who shows us the best ways to strip both hackle quills and peacock quills, and,…
To net or not to net … that is the question
I have good friends on both sides of this debate, and both sides make compelling arguments. I don’t really know where I fall half of the time. One camp suggests that nets are harmful for trout, and you shouldn’t mess with them. Some nets (like uncoated nylon) will damage the protective slime layer on a…