Fly tying: The Carey Special
There is always room in my fly box for versatile flies—patterns that can be dead-drifted or fished on the swing are valuable assets for the fall and winter angler. Maybe no pattern incorporates the versatility that the Carey Special does. Video of Carey SpecialHere, Tim Flagler ties a very basic version of this fly, using…
Fly tying: Tying hair wings
If you're like me, you've resorted to buying hair-wing attractor dries like the Ausable and the Royal Coachman, or you've learned new tying techniques to avoid using hair wings at all. I tie my Royal Coachman pattern "renegade" style, using hackle tips rather than hair wings. It's faster, easier and results in fewer curse words…
Short casts: The lure of bass; taimen research; the double-haul; and a floating tent
Photo courtesy of Hatch Magazine.Like John Tobey, who craftedhttps://www.hatchmag.com/articles/snob/7714493 this excellent piece in Hatch Magazine, mo st bass I've caught in recent years turned up while I was fishing for trout. I remember one sultry June evening on the Housatonic, while casting high-floating Adams at rising browns, when a gnarly smallmouth hit the fly in…
Voices from the River: Cabin No. 3
“Thank you No. 3. See you next time,” I whispered to the warm cabin as I closed the door of one of my favorite public-use cabins in Southcentral Alaska and turned to soak in the view from the deck with my wife and two dogs. It’s my trusty routine to thank the public resource that…
So, you want to write for TROUT Magazine?
By Kirk Deeter I’ve been receiving a lot of pitches lately, which is great. I love to mix things up, am always looking for new talent, and enjoy giving people a shot (because it doesn’t seem all that long ago when a few editors gave me my first story assignments). That said, there are hints…
Video spotlight: Hank Patterson’s Camp Hawgadawgadaa
You know what you need on a dreary Tuesday morning, other than a piping cup of strong (maybe too strong?) coffee? A dose of Hank Patterson, that's what. And, almost as if Travis Swartz read my mind, here comes the trailer to the new Hank Patterson web series, "Camp Hawgadawgadaa." Video of Camp Hawgadawgadaa TrailerIn…
Remote sensing will revolutionize trout conservation
Remote sensing is being used to measure improvement in Lahontan cutthroat trout habitat in Nevada. By Dan Dauwalter, Kurt Fesenmyer and Helen Neville Have you ever assisted your local DNR biologist with a painstaking habitat survey on your favorite trout stream where you tediously measured the stream channel, substrates, wood, undercut banks, and so on?…