Trout Tips: Bird’s-eye view
Sometimes, you can learn an awful lot more about a river, and specifically where fish will be holding in a river, by looking at it from above, rather than standing in it. Granted, that’s not always that easy when you are fishing in flat terrain. But I know plenty of anglers who have been driven…
The State of TU’s Grassroots
TU National Leadership Council Chair Mick McCorcle delivers the State of TU's Grassroots at the TU annual meeting conducted in September in Roanoke, Va. State of Grassroots 2017 from Trout Unlimited on Vimeo.
Video spotlight: Fly fishing for cats
Count me among the many who didn't think it could be done, at least not on a regular basis. I've managed to catch hard-head catfish on a fly in the Lower Laguna Madre and in the mangrove swamps near Pine Island in Florida. The former was on crystal-clear flats and I was sight-fishing to foot-long…
Voices from the River: The drive
By Chris Hunt There’s a stretch of the drive between my home in Idaho Falls and my former home in Colorado that often lulls me into a state of semi-consciousness—a state of being where driving becomes the innate foundation of my psyche while the rest of my mind wanders off into the mountains. Starting just…
Fly tying: Loon Live streams tonight
Matt Callies ties the Balanced Bugger and the Perdigon Variation nymph live tonight at 9 p.m. ET. Fly tying, for many fly fishers, is an economic necessity. Dropping $50 at the fly shop on tying materials can literally save you hundreds of dollars—if, that is, you factor in the time spent at the vise as…
Short casts: Guides save drowning baby; restoring a PA spring creek; Nova Scotia salmon, and more
Those of us who have employed fishing guides know just how hard the work really is. It may seem a romantic profession—and certainly aspects of it border on ethereal—but mostly it's an up-early and to-bed-late gig with no traditional benefits like health insurance, a retirement plan or a pension. And it's not an easy job,…
Voices from the River: The tying desk
By Eric Booton It's like watching magic happen, or so it seems. Fifteen short minutes and the wood finish stripper has performed its intimidating chemical magic and one stroke of the scraper removes the shabby finish and once adored princess stickers that have previously defined this forgotten piece of furniture. The hours spent with the…