Voices from the River: Kids and expectations
By Nelli Williams I frantically dug through a pile of clean laundry that had been sitting on the recliner all week (OK, maybe more). I was searching for two kid-sized wool socks—we had at least a dozen, so why I couldn’t find two was beyond me. Victorious, I found one in the pile and the…
Short casts: Golden trout in the Beartooths; new Korker boots; mayflies on the South Island
My buddy Matthew Reilly had the chance recently to wander in the remote Beartooths along the Montana-Wyoming border in search of golden trout. Native to the California Sierra, these rare cousins of rainbows and cutthroats occupy a few lakes in the high country just east of Yellowstone National Park, and, while they don't necessarily get…
Trout Tips: Beaver ponds
I love fishing beaver ponds. My first-ever brook trout was pulled from the bottom of a high-country beaver pond with my grandfather standing watch over my shoulder, many, many years ago. Since then, especially in high-elevation meadow streams, I've been on the lookout for beaver ponds that more than likely hold trout. Trout Tips |…
Video spotlight: 24 hours in L.A.
Say what you will about the urban nightmares that await the casual visitor to Los Angeles. Traffic and congestion are a given, virtually around the clock. It's pricey to visit—nothing comes cheap. Depending on where you go, it's a bit gritty. But it's a vibrant city, with a lot happening—the good that comes with the…
Voices from the River: Mourning summer
By Chris Hunt As Phoebe danced around the truck, anxious to start the walk up the familiar trail past a few bends in the creek, I donned my wading sandals for what would almost certainly be the last time this year. I was in a gloomy mood. Changing seasons, earlier sunsets and, of course, the…
Native: Arctic char? Or Dolly Varden?
By Dave Atcheson “I cast out and try to be patient, waiting for my fly to sink. On my first cast I’m too patient and snag. On the next I begin my retrieve earlier, an excruciatingly slow retrieve, just a twitch of the line here and there to keep my fly undulating above the weed…
Fly tying: My Friend the Sticky Pad
Over the last couple of years, I've learned a lot from Tim Flagler, fly-tying extraordinaire. Not only has he, through his video tying series that we feature each Friday here on the TU blog, helped become a better fly tier, but I really enjoy some of the simple little tips he shares to make my…