Fly tying: Ian’s Brass Ass
Small nymphs in the size 18-22 range are my least-favorite flies to tie—I've got fat fingers, and my vision isn't what it once was, either. But these little flies can be absolutely deadly on spring creeks and tailwaters, and hitting these rivers and streams without small, unassuming midge nymphs and attractors is a mistake. Video…
Native Odyssey: California
Editor's note: The TU Costa Five Rivers Program sent a handful of student-anglers on a road trip across America in search of native trout. On the team's final stop, they visited California. Sequoia National Forest Located in south-ce ntral California, Sequioa National Forest encompasses slightly less than 2,000 square miles. It is named, as is…
Warriors for wild places
Photo by Kirk Deeter at Kendjam Lodge, Brazil. From the Amazon Jungle to Bristol Bay in Alaska, native communities share a common belief that translates into any language: The world's most pristine, irreplaceable natural resources should be protected for future generations against outsiders who threaten to destroy them in the name of profit.You have the…
Video spotlight: High country, long wands
A few years ago, I had the amazing opportunity to visit the east coast of Australia and tour some river and estuary restoration projects in New South Wales, while speaking with Aussie anglers about conservation and restoration when it comes to fishing. It was an eye-opening experience, and I was fortunate to meet some people…
Short casts: Fires in Montana, new Winston rod, bugs in the ‘Glades, and more
Photo by Tim Harden, courtesy of Gink and Gasoline Wildfires in Montana. Harvey dumping record rain on Texas and Louisiana. And now Hurricane Irma is barreling toward the Southeast. It must be late summer in America, where yet another climatic crisis is under way. Wildfires in the West are a fact of life and always…
Trout Tips: Small stream stealth
Trout in small, backcountry streams are opportunists, but that doesn't mean theyr'e stupid. The old rule still applies: If you can see the fish, chances are, they can see you, too. When I fish small water, I like to put structure between me and the fish whenever possible, and I like to make my profile…
Voices from the River: A meal from the wild
Chicken of the woods mushrooms. Photo by the author. By Chris Hunt A little over a year ago, I stood up to my thighs amid a thick run of pink salmon in a remote, rainforest stream on Alaska’s Prince of Wales Island, trying like hell to tempt one of the few early cohos that were…