Native Odyssey: Trout among fire
Editor's Note: Five students from the TU Costa 5 Rivers Outreach Program have embarked on a once-in a-lifetime journey in pursuit of 16 native trout species, all on public lands. With support from the U.S. Forest Service, Costa Sunglasses, Simms Fishing Products, Fishpond and Post Fly Box, these students will tell the stories of our…
Trout Tips: Lessons from the Firehole
Editor's note: For great fishing tips and tricks from TU staffers and volunteers all over America, you can buy TU's new book, "Trout Tips" online and have it shipped overnight. I spent an afternoon last week on the Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park. It's one of the West's iconic rivers, and it's also one…
Video spotlight: Fish of a Lifetime
Extreme angling is all the rage these days—films of anglers chasing strange fish in far-flung places grace the internet with regularity. But the film below chronicles perhaps the craziest angling I've ever seen. Aussie surf casters chasing cobia in the rocky surf show that, indeed, the boys Down Under are serious about their fishing. Video…
Voices from the River: No pain, no gain
By Chris Hunt The thermometer on my dash read a cold 33 degrees. The calendar claimed it was June 13. Sadly, both were accurate. Welcome to Yellowstone. As I topped Craig Pass heading north, snowbanks still lined the Grand Loop Road, and more was falling. My wiper blades could keep the the white stuff off…
Video Spotlight: Fly Fishing England—Buckingham
Upstream and dry. These are rules to fish by if you're chasing trout and grayling on England's storied chalk streams. As my friend Todd Moen points out in the video below, the anglers who pursue fish in these waters are deeply serious about the craft, and about the rules. Think about it. If you were…
Skills: Split-thread dubbing
One of the biggest challenges for fly tiers, particularly new tiers, is the handling of dubbing for fly bodies. For most flies, dries or nymphs, a simple dubbing twist is all you need, and it's relatively easy to master. But some flies require a body that's a bit more buggy ... a bit more natural.…
Short casts: 25 years since “The Movie,” saving Colorado’s greenbacks, India’s mahseer
This fall, the film iteration of Norman Maclean's "A River Runs Through It" turns 25. The film made fly fishing trendy (too trendy, some would say), and it helped put Montana on the fly fishing map. While the film and the book centered on the Blackfoot River near Missoula, the film's fishing was actually shot…