Short casts: Winston bamboo shop lost to fire, Driftless impact is real, kids release trout
Verta Anne Dorseth photo Here's a real hearbreaker. The famous shop where the R.L. Winston Co. makes its venerable bamboo fly rods was lost to fire over the weekend. The shop, a must-see destinat ion for fly fishers visiting southwest Montana from the world over, caught fire early Sunday morning and is a total loss.…
Video spotlight: WWHD Pebble Mine
In today's polarized political landscape, it's not uncommon to have federal agencies and their directives change drastically when administrations change. Take the Environmental Protection Agency, for instance, and its findings in 2015 that hard-rock mining in Alaska's Bristol Bay watershed would likely prove harmful to the region's salmon runs—it's home to half of the world's…
Video spotlight: Trevor Sithole, Fly Fishing Guide
A lot of anglers don't know that trout swim in the cold, clear rivers of South Africa—brown trout are common, having been planted in African waters well over a century ago. And Trevor Sithole, who lives in the village of Thendela in the KwaZulu province of South Africa, guides anglers for browns in his local…
Voices from the River: Days behind the oars
By Chris Hunt There’s a fine line between fishing from a drift boat and fishing from a source of chaos. The first time I rowed a drift boat, I damn near put it into the bridge abutment just above Ashton Dam on the Henry’s Fork while my two passengers—one of whom owned the boat—watched helplessly…
Video spotlight: A Day in the Life: Alaskan Bush Guide
When I was younger and much more enamored by the idea of being a fishing guide, I received a Father's Day gift of a guided trip down the Cardiac Canyon stretch of the Henry's Fork. The trip was awesome—our guide, the legendary Rod Patch, put us on fish most of the day. And he worked…
Gear test: Groovy Grayling Belt by FisheWear
Looking for a way to flaunt your fishy style on the water or on the town? The Groovy Grayling Belt by FisheWear is a must-have accessory for any fashion-forward female angler. This beautifully eye-catching design works perfectly with jeans and waders alike. It accommodates up to a 42” waist and can be cut to size.…
Skills: Fishing a hopper-dropper rig
My friend Rob Parkins runs the fishing and hunting section at the Jack Dennis Outdoor World on the square in Jackson, Wyo., and he's a heck of an angler, as well as a RIO ambassador. Rob fishes the South Fork of the Snake often, as well as a number of waters here in eastern Idaho…