
Chris Hunt

  • Fishing, hunting CEOs offer Antiquities advice to POTUS

    April 14, 2017 President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear President Trump: The undersigned organizations are writing in support of the Antiquities Act of 1906 and to express our opposition to any executive action that seeks to administratively overturn a national monument. Signed into law by Theodore…

  • Short casts: Monuments in peril, gear that gives back, wildlife management

    Browns Canyon National Monument, Colorado. This week, TU volunteers from around the nation are in Washington meeting with their states' federal delegations asking them to support the Antiquities Act and ensure a bright future for national monuments all across America. Many of th ese monuments harbor excellent fishing and hunting—two fairly new monuments designated during…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Flip Pallot

    "Things get said in a skiff that wouldn't get said in a confessional," Flip Pallot says. No kidding. As a trout guy, I've always said that the truth always comes out around a campfire. And I'd love to share a campfire conversation with Flip Pallot. As a formative fly fisher in my 20s and early…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Atlantic Salmon Reserve

    Imagine a river system where management depends on the lightest possible human footprint. Where trees aren't cut. Trails aren't improved. Rivers left to flow on their own to the sea. Such a place exists, about an hour's chopper ride from the Russian city of Murmansk, on the remote Kola Peninsula, where Atlantic salmon, arctic char,…

  • Skills: Basic dubbing

    Often, it's the little things that make a fly look like it's supposed to look. Dubbing is the perfect example. Dubbing itself is a mass of fibers, be it made of hair or artificial stuff, like Antron. Some of my favorite flies require expertly dubbed bodies—consider what an Adams might look like if the dubbing…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Perfect River

    I hear all the time about New Zealand's south island and its magical trout fishing. I'm sure the fishing is pretty impressive. But I came across this video about a couple of Kiwis wandering up a river on the less-heralded north island. Seems like New Zealanders really do have it all. Video of Fly Fishing…

  • My evolution as a #TUVolunteer

    Jeff’s two step-daughters, Katherine (left) and Kaitlyn, ages seven and eight, show off their volunteer spirit on a recent Trout Unlimited streamside trash cleanup. Editor's note: This is the first in a series of blog posts from TU leaders explaining their love for volunteering, for making fishing better and for sharing TU's message all over…