
Chris Hunt

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Fly Fishing in Killer Whale Territory

    The coastal rainforest of British Columbia is one of the most primal fly fishing destinations on earth. Featuring massive, glacial rivers, rocky coastlines, old-growth forests and abundant wildlife, this corner of North America is simply astounding. And it's captured quite nicely in the video below. This place is a bit south of Alaska's Tongass National…

  • Gear tip: Clean your line

    Want to cast better? Maybe a little further, maybe a little straighter? Who doesn’t? I know I need work. Practice is the key, of course. And before you shell out the bucks for a spiffy new fast-action fly rod, take 10 minutes to do the one thing that will improve the cast you have, with…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: The throw bag

    One of the many "little things" that can foul up your fly cast is a wandering elbow. First it's tight to your side, like it should be. Then, after a while, you get a little tired and a little lazy and it starts to meander away from your side and, before you know it, it's…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: The new book

    We're very proud to release TU's newest book, "Trout Tips," a collection of tips and tricks from our staff and membership that's designed to make all of us better anglers. Edited by Kirk Deeter, TU's vice president of Trout Media and the editor of TROUT Magazine, the book is full of wonderful ideas and tips…