Fly tying: The Top Secret Midge
These blustery spring days when Mother Nature can't seem to make up her mind can frustrate even the most seasoned angler when it comes time to figure out the right fly pattern. Bright sunshine one minute can be followed up by a quick dose of rain, a snow squall or a sleety mix of both.…
Voices from the River: A brother’s smile
By Chris Hunt Declan’s not quite 4, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t understand that his dad is dying. I’m sure he realizes that things are a little different with his father. The rest of us wander his world with little in the way of fanfare—we arrive on our own two feet and, a while…
Video spotlight: The Devils
Most of the land around Texas' great fishing rivers is owned by individuals. Public lands are few and far between. But, in West Texas north of the town of Del Rio, there flows a river that's part of a state natural area and accessible to everyone. And it's an amazing smallmouth and largemouth bass destination.…
Short casts: A 9-foot salmon, mining bill in Montana, all in for fly fishing
While it's still very possible to hook into a bestial chinook salmon in Pacific waters—fish that can grow upwards of 50 pounds or more—imagine what it might be like to connect with a salmon that's 9 feet long and sports inch-long spiked teeth and weighs upwards of 400 pounds. Between 5 and 11 million years…
Video spotlight: Eaten alive: End of an Era
We've known for a long time that farmed salmon arrive on our plates accompanied by plenty of peril, both for those choosing to eat these fish, and for the wild salmon and sea trout that share the oceans with big aquaculture operations. The video below is an excellent example of what can happen to wild…
Voices From the River: Hand-me-downs
I grew up chucking big Rapalas and Beetle Spins at bass in farm ponds and lakes in Kansas—it was a great way to learn some basics of casting and working a lure. I remember my Dad (who in most respects is not a patient man) patiently showing me how to tie an improved clinch knot…
Video spotlight: Slow Down the Fall
The video below may seem a bit poorly timed, what with spring springing all over the country, and its contents dealing largely with fly fishing in the fall. But, just the other day, on blustery March afternoon, I lucked out and managed to get into a really prolific blue-winged olive hatch on the South Fork.…