Video spotlight: The Dorado
What do you get when you send one of the world's best-known steelhead anglers into the Bolivian jungle with a spey rod? Some pretty impressive cinematography, to start. This is a land of wild rivers teeming with toothy fish, high-canopied jungles sheltering everything from jaguars to snakes as long as some of the dug-out canoes…
Voices from the River: Texas for TU (and TU for Texas)
Members of Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited raising money for trout all over America. By Kirk Deeter I love Texas. Always have, and always will. It’s hard to explain for someone who was born and raised on the Great Lakes far away from the Lone Star state, and has lived in Colorado for the past 20-plus…
Video spotlight: Brook Trout Country
Our video post yesterday on an upcoming brook trout film got a lot of traction—it's clear that I'm not the only guy out there who loves brookies, even if catching them here in the West means I'm catching a non-native fish that's likely contributed to the decline of native cutthroat trout. Let's be completely clear…
Voices from the River: Celebrating Texas trout
As I sit here in Idaho Falls watching two feet of snow melt into a slushy pond at the foot of my driveway, my buddy Kirk Deeter is likely stringing up a 5-weight with members of one of my favorite TU chapters in the country and preparing to chase some fat, tailwater trout. In Texas.…
Fly tying: The Puff Daddy Blue-winged Olive
The warmer weather this February here in the West has a lot of us thinking about rising trout. What started as a brutal winter with record snowfall is kind of going out with a wimper—I can see the grass on the front lawn here in Idaho Falls for the first time since mid-December, and we're…
Video spotlight: Chasing Brook Trout
Here's one for the romantics in fly fishing—a teaser video to larger project to come about chasing native brook trout. I grew up in Colorado, fishing for introduced brookies in small headwater streams in the Rocky Mountain high country. As a kid, I had no idea that the fish I caught didn't belong in the…
Video spotlight: Pira
The golden dorado is a bucket-list fish, sure. Ranging from Andes headwater rivers in Bolivia all the way to the southern marshlands of coastal Argentina, they are an amazing fly rod fish and one that has gained a lot of admiration over the last decade or so. The video above highlights the fly fishing for…