Voices from the River: Who’s your hero?
TU's own Tom Reed casts to native Colorado River cutthroat trout in the Wyoming Range. by Chris Hunt I got a note today from someone who read a piece by my fellow Trout Unlimited communicator, Brett Prettyman, on John Weis, a late TU volunteer from Utah who was involved in his local chapter in the…
Traditions: Fishing the High Uintas
By Brett Prettyman Among the many thoughts running through my mind while traipsing though the wilds is one that does more than the others to clear out the chaos and clutter of every day life. “Am I the first human to stand in this place?” The fact I am even pondering the possibility means I…
Fly tying: Koga’s Bonefish Shrimp
My first trip to chase bonefish several years back was a disaster. The Atlantic gales blew through the southern Bahamas, and bones were few and far between. I saw a few, got to cast to one or two and came home after a week without landing a single boneffish. It was horrible. But it steeled…
Video spotlight: Down and Across
Spey casting is becoming a much more mainstream angling method for big-river fishing, and not just for steelhead and salmon. I'm starting to see spey casters on the South Fork and the Henry's Fork of the Snake with regularity, chasing rainbows, cutthroats and browns in sweeping runs and throwing 100-foot casts with so little effort…
Short casts: Scary fishing encounters, a fly fishing justice and Guatemalan billfish
Fishing with a black bear near Wrangell, Alaska I've had the good fortune of toting a fly rod to some pretty intersting places around the world, and, as a result, have had some sketchy encounters, ranging from an arme d flotilla of Sabine River catfish trotliners to grizzlies in Alaska and Yellowstone to a fairly…
Voices from the River: Jon Baiocchi, California’s guide
John Baiocchi, on one of his home waters, the Truckee River. It is clear that his dad’s conservation legacy is a source of great pride and inspiration for Jon—and that he feels he has a duty to carry it forward. SD: Talk a little about when and where you started fishing. JB: My dad moved…
Video spotlight: New England Mountain Fly Fishing
Being a western guy with roots in the Rockies, my angling experience in the mountains of New England is pretty limited. I did spend a great afternoon several years ago chasing fat rainbows in Connectictut's upper Farmington River before being chased away by a rainstorm, and I got to fish some Adirondack streams for native…