
Chris Hunt

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout tips: The Mend

    We often make fly fishing more complicated than we need to. A good example of that is mending our fly line to get a better, more natural drift as our flies work their way downstream. Often, as TU's Kirk Deeter points out in the video below, our mends are too jerky or move the flies…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Fly Fish Utah

    Utah's been in the news a lot lately thanks to the state's elected leadership and its efforts over the last few years to seize or sell public lands from every American who owns them. As anglers, many of us know that Utah is wonderful fishing destination, and that most of the great trout fishing in…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: The Evolution of Nymphing

    Like a lot of fly anglers of late, I've started to employ longer leaders when I nymph, in the fashion of the tried-and-true European nymphing techniques that have been winning fly fishing world titles for decades. I was so pleased to see that American competitive fly fishers Lance Egan and Devin Olsen have now produced…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Navy Diver

    I've always been a fan of tungsten in my fly tying. For some reason, I just tend to cast heavy nymphs and streamers better when the weight is at the fly, instead of pinched onto the line as split shot or paste. It's a personal preference, I suspect, and it works for me. I especially…

  • Remembering a hero: John Weis

    Longtime TU member and stream access chamption John Weis. Francisco Kjolseth photo. By Brett Prettyman John Weis always took pleasure in the simple things and never hesitated to point out the obvious. John also understood the value of something too many of us have conveniently learned to ignore – getting involved in things we are…