Video spotlight: Troutlandia
When you think of massive, trophy brown trout, the South Island of New Zealand might come to mind. Or the Rio Limay of Argentina might be on your list. But a small, Appalachian freestoner in Blue Ridge, Ga.? No. No way. Well, the makers of the video above are living proof that you can visit…
Short casts: Public lands win, great fishing beards, classic writing
Thanks for writing, calling and posting. Your efforts paid off in the protection of our public lands ... for now. Last night on his Instagram account, Utah Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz announced that he w as abandoning a bill to sell some 3.3 million acres of public land in the West. The reason? He'd heard…
Video spotlight: Return to Abundance
Years ago, in my former life as a newspaper journalist, I lived on California's North Coast in the shadows of coastal redwoods, shielded from the rest of the country by a near-constant marine layer and the understanding that, at any moment, one of the few roads into the region could be covered in mud and…
Video spotlight: Kau Tapen
The windswept steppe of the Rio Grande River drainage of Tierra del Fuego is on my bucket list. I've been fortunate enough to travel to both Argentina and Chile, but I haven't made it this far south... yet. This southern-most region of South America is truly a fly fisher's nirvana. With massive sea-run brown trout…
Short casts: Help stock trout in PA, salmon in Michigan, wild trout in Virginia
A Mossy Creek brown trout. Photo courtesy Mossy Creek Fly Fishing. Not everyone is lucky enough to live next to a naturally reproducing trout stream, even in a state like Pennsylvania, where wild trout waters are generally quite plentiful, and designations of new wild trout waters are growing. For instance, many anglers around Potstown are…
Trout Tips: Casting from a tight spot
We've all been there. The fish are rising on the far bank, and you can reach them ... if only you had enough room behind you for a backcast. But you don't. What to do? In the video above, TU's Kirk Deeter demonstrates a simple technique borrowed from spey casters that simply helps you get…
Voices from the River: Find the fish, win a fly reel
by Kirk Deeter I caught three fish in this water, within 10 minutes after I snapped the above photo. But, I’m not going to tell you where or how I did it. That’s a riddle for you to crack. And the person who best retraces my footsteps (or offers a better strategy!) is going to…