Video spotlight: Headwaters Haven
My driveway looks like a high-mountain pass this morning. I pushed and tossed fresh powder for about an hour, and was grateful when a neighbor showed up to help clear the last quarter of the pavement with his snowblower. But I'm dug out, and my head is anywhere there isn't snow. I'm good and ready…
Short casts: Flies for vets, winter and escaping to Mexico
Photo courtesy of Tony Martino, The Missoulian How's this for awesome? Members of the West Slope Chapter of Trout Unlimited got together over the weekend and tied more than 1,000 flies to used by veterans who have been recently introduced to fly fishing. This is just one example of how TU volunteers make fishing better…
Trout Tips: Don’t drop the rod tip
Fly casting is an inexact science for most folks—we all have our little quirks and bad habits that tend to eke into our fishing, particularly during times of fatigue, or when action is fast and getting flies on the water is important. One bad habit I'm guilty of possessing is the one that my buddy…
Traditions: Tenkara in America
A Dolly Varden in southeast Alaska, caught on a tenkara rod. By Randy Scholfield Boulder, Colorado, thinks differently. While at times mocked for its free-range ideas and hemp-fueled lifestyles, there’s no doubt the “People’s Republic” is booming as a hub for creative entrepreneurs and independent thinkers. Oh yeah—it doesn’t hurt that Boulder is surrounded by…
Voices from the River: This is why we do it
by Chris Hunt My hands are cold. The wool mittens, even with the little flap that covers my fingers when I'm not using them to tie tippet to the leader or a fly to the tippet, just aren't cutting it today. There's absolutely no reason for me to be here, knee deep i n water…
Short casts: Lake trout making a comeback, Lake Ontario is too clean, recovery for the Eel?
Lake trout are making a comeback in Lake Michigan. Lake trout, the oft-maligned deepwater char that took over Yellowstone Lake and literally ate the native cutthroat trout out of house and home over the last two decades, is actually making a comeback in some of the Great Lakes, where it's native. While it is, indeed,…
Video spotlight: Yakutia
Jako Lucas has been fly fishing the world and making movies about it for some time now, but his latest effort about the massive fish of Yakutia might be one for the ages. The region most folks only know exists on the playing map of the boardgame "Risk," is plenty fishy, as you'll see in…