
Chris Hunt

  • Chris Wood’s full testimony “fire borrowing”

    November 5, 2015 Testimony of Trout Unlimited to the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry hearing on: Wildfire: Stakeholder Perspectives on Budgetary Impacts and Threats to Natural Resources on Federal, State and Private Lands. Chairman Roberts, Ranking Member Stabenow, and Committee Members: My name is Chris Wood. I am the President and CEO of…

  • Brookies to benefit from Nissitissit dam removal

    By Robert Shane When we think of dams, especially dam removals, we think BIG; we think the Elwha and the Penobscot and the Snake. We imagine monstrosities of concrete and steel blocking important trout and salmon spawning waters. This plight, however, is not secular to big dams. In the state of Massachusetts there are over…

  • Browns Canyon becomes Colorado’s newest national Monument

    By Kyle Perkins On Thursday, President Obama will designate Browns Canyon National Monument, a move that will be cheered by sportsmen across Colorado and across America. It's taken years of tough, grassroots work from Trout Unlimited and its partners to finally protect this breathtaking canyon along the Gold Medal waters of the Arkansas River. This…