Walking under a trout stream
/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/blog/Screen-Shot-2019-03-25-at-2.17.12-PM.png The American Museum of Fly Fishing and Johnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife aquarium and museum in Springfield, Mo., will give curious anglers the chance to walk under a carefully crafted trout stream and see how trout move about the water column thanks to a new partnership between two entities. In addition, a large portion…
Trout Tips: The Mirror Effect
Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," available online for overnight delivery. Just like it's always shocking to hear your own voice, it can also be surprising to see what you look like when you cast. There's a reason ballet studios and music rooms have large mirrors: this is the way…
Patience on the Denali Highway
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Trout Tips: The approach
Patience is perhaps the most elusive virtue—instant gratification, especially these days, is easier to attain. And it's no different for fly fishers. Finding a good stretch of water to fish isn't all that hard, but approaching it correctly, and giving yourself the best opportunity to catch not just one fish, but several fish, can prove…
Fly tying: Last Chance Cripple Hendrickson
As I watched Tim Flagler tie the Last Chance Cripple Hendrickson, I inadvertantly cringed at the language used in the video below. Fly tying may the last refuge for the antiquated term, "cripple." Meant to imitate a mayfly that, for some reason or another, is struggling to break loose of the water's surface film while…
Trout Tips: Winter can offer hot fishing
One of the best days I ever experienced on Idaho's fabled Henry's Fork was also one of the coldest days I've every experienced on the water. It was one of those bitterly cold January days, but thanks to consistent water temperatures from an inflowing spring creek, the river was open and the fish were on…
Getting started: From gear to fly
Editor's note: This is the second in an ongoing series meant to give those who are interested in learning to fly fish the perspective and advice needed to get started. More installments will follow. If you have specific questions about fly fishing, feel free to add a comment below, and we'll do our best to…