
Chris Hunt

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Solstice

    By Scott Willoughby I’ve never really been what the gang over on Santa Claus Lane might describe as “Christmas-y.” But I’ve always thought I’d make a decent pagan. Never having formally studied paganism, I’m not entirely sure why, although I do enjoy hanging out in the woods quite a bit, especially over a good Yule…

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: How to Wade Fish for Bonefish

    My first bonefishing trip several years back was a disaster. I spent a week on the blustery, rainy flats of Long Island in the Bahamas and didn't catch a single fish. I know now that my failure was a three-part effort. First, I lacked any flats-fishing experience. Second, the weather and the elements conspired against…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: 36 hours (part I)

    Editor's note: The following is the first of a two-part series. By Eric Booton The Trout Unlimited Alaska office is appropriately located on the shore of Anchorage’s Lake Hood, a hub for float plane traffic and a persistent reminder of the wild lands accessible in mere minutes, if you have the right transport for the…

  • Community

    TU launches 2018 Gift Guide

    Mike Sepelak fishes the Redington Butter Stick on a remote trout stream in Idaho. Over the course of the last several months, TU staffers and volunteers have taken new fly-fishing and outdoors products into the fiel d to test them against the fish and the elements that make our craft so special. Now, after having…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Herter’s Bastard Midge

    Winter midge fishing can be really productive—it just takes commitment from us fair-weather anglers to get out on the water and brave the blustery conditions. Oh, and the right fly, of course. Video of Herter's Bastard MidgeAbove, Tim Flagler ties a winter classic—Herter's Bastard Midge. It looks tougher to tie than in really is, even…