
Chris Hunt

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Joy in snow

    By Scott Willoughby An enlightened sage once suggested that those who choose not to find joy in snow will have much less joy in life. But still the same amount of snow. Said savant was undoubtedly a skier. And a trout fisher. I honestly don’t recall which I learned to do first, ski or fish.…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: Angled tweezers

    Nobody has ever accused me of possessing too much finesse, particularly at the fly-tying vise. So every tool I use when crafting flies needs to help me be a bit more precise. Video of Angled TweezersAbove, Tim Flagler shows off a pair of angled tweezers he got for "super cheap" at the local drug store.…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: In the company of ghosts

    By Toner Mitchell I spent Halloween this year in the company of ghosts. They weren’t the bed-sheet kind, but the long-gone n ative residents of Frijoles Canyon, in the Bandelier National Monument on New Mexico’s Pajarito Plateau. Established around 1150 AD by ancestral Puebloans fleeing drought and social strife in the Four Corners region, Bandelier…

  • Conservation Science

    A vital climate report and TU’s unsung song

    The fourth National Climate Assessment released by the government last week details the current and future impacts of climate change on the planet, including calamaties like increased and more intense wildfires, something we've seen plenty of this year. Photo courtesy Wikipedia Commons. By Helen Neville No amount of couch-ridden lethargy or Black Friday shopping could…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Give terrestrials some life

    Editor's note: The following is excerpted from TU's book, "Trout Tips," which is available online for overnight delivery. Fishing terrestrials in late summer can be very productive ... and there's nothing quite like fishing big bugs along grassy banks. In most trout-fishing situations, a drag-free drift is crucial, but not when it comes to fishing…

  • Conservation

    Climate change and the future of Yellowstone

    Above, the view from the lip of Lower Yellowstone Falls. Photo by Chris Hunt. Below, Larry Harris on Indian Creek in Yellowstone National Park. by Larry Harris I have camped and fished in Yellowstone Park almost every year from 1992 to the present, enjoying weeks there with family and friends. Yellowstone Park is crowded when…