
Chris Hunt

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Labrador Atlantic salmon

    Wild Atlantic salmon in the United States are extremely rare—there are a few that hang on in the coastal rivers in Maine, but, for the most part, three centuries of development have cost this iconic fish most of its spawning and rearing habitat and earned it a likely permanent place on the Endangered Species List.…

  • Fishing Gear reviews

    New gear: Simms G4 Pro Shift Pack

    I was pretty sure that nothing could convince me to step away from my newfound "less is more" approach to trout fishing. Years ago, I was a vest guy—load up the pockets of the fishing vest with everything you need and off you go. Then I tried the lanyard approach, which I also loved, but…

  • Conservation

    The Affordable Clean Energy Rule in context

    The power industry has put more natural gas power plants online, but the repeal of the Clean Power Plan could slow progress toward fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Wikimedia commons photo. By Jim Wilson As a member of TU’s National Leadership Council Climate Change Working Group, I volunteered to write a blog about EPA’s proposed alternative…

  • Community Veterans

    Thank a veteran today … they earned it

    TU's Veterans Service Partnership helped 4,000 veterans on the on the water in 2017. Sunday is Veterans Day. This day is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended World War I hostilities between the Allied nations and Germany in 1918. Veterans are thanked for their services to the United States on Veterans Day, and Trout Unlimited and…

  • Fishing Gear reviews

    New gear: Cheeky’s new pliers and backing

    As Cheeky's Ted Upton says, "We like to have a little fun with our designs." That would explain the rainbow of color options for the manufacturer's quality fly reels—the color options give customers the ability to add a little personality to their angling. And now, Cheeky is expanding it's "fun" product line to include new…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The hobby knife

    Back in my early newspaper days, when we actually used flats to lay pages out on lightboards, I never went anywhere without my trusty X-Acto knife. I used it to trim border tape, surgically slice columns to fit the allotted space and do all sorts of trimming once the actual journalism was done and producing…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Now is the time for lake trout

    A lake trout from Shoshone Lake, Yellowstone National Park. Photo by Chris Hunt. I live within a two-hour drive of Yellowstone Lake, the site of one of the greatest environmental tragedies involving native trout in recent memory. In 1994, a non-native lake trout was caught and documented in Yellowstone Lake. Just over a decade later,…