Fly tying: The Palomino Midge
Normally, when I hear Tim Flagler say that he's tying a fly in a size 20, "but feel free to go smaller," I just throw up my hands and resign myself to the fact that the pattern he's demonstrated is for fingers smaller and more dextrous than mine. Video of Palomino MidgeBut, as you'll see…
An administrator’s favorite week at work
Photo courtesy of Blaine County School District By Cathy Tyson Earlier this fall, I became a field scientist, chemist and sixth-grade teacher. Mostly, my work for TU is behind a desk, crunching numbers. But each September, I feel like Clark Kent taking off his tie, and putting on a cape, as I get back to…
Video spotlight: Stories from the Fountain
More than 200 years ago, the entire of state of Pennsylvania was forested. By the 1930s, the whole state had been completely logged. Today, Pennsylvania is a reforested trout wonderland—it has more miles of trout streams than any state other than Alaska.But, for native brook trout, all is not well. The state's forest are single-aged…
Gear Test: Pescador on the Fly’s El Cinco travel rod
For the Pescador on the Fly “El Cinco” 7-piece 9-foot, 5-weight fly rod, one thing is for certain: the company achieved its main goal of convenience and portability. Flying a mu ltiple leg trip from Charlotte, N.C. to Last Chance, Idaho, I did not want to take a chance on arriving without my gear, so…
Voices from the River: ‘Bucket-fillers’ needed in Colorado
By Scott Willoughby Snow season has arrived in Colorado. For better or worse, this year it coincides with election season. It is, of course, for the better. Despite the grumblings of a few fair-weather fishermen uninterested in facing the cold, hard reality of an early winter, the sooner we can reestablish our snowpack on the…
Fly tying: Working thread length
One of the most basic skill fly tiers must learn when getting into the craft is how to manage the thread as it comes off the bobbin. It seems simple, but I can't count the times I've watched brand-new tiers trying to figure out just how much thread they need to work with as they…
Video spotlight: Fighting Big Fish with a Fly Rod
Now, most of us will never stand on the bow of a boat in the waters off of San Diego and battle a 200-pound mako shark. But, if you fish long enough, you will get the opportunity to battle big fish, whether it's a big smallmouth bass, a fat rainbow in a spring creek, a…