
Chris Hunt

  • Video spotlight

    Video spotlight: Biot tails

    Biots used in fly tying are often tough to handle. As Tim Flagler notes in the video below, they're slippery and not always cooperative. But biots make good flies great—can you imagine a really good Prince nymph without a goose biot tail? Video of Biot Basics - Biot TailsAbove, Tim offers up a really handy…

  • Five Rivers Odyssey: Exploring the Tongass

    The Tongass National Forest is the largest national forest in the United States and is home to the third largest island in the United States, Prince of Wales (only Kodiak and the big island of Hawaii are bigger). The 5 Rivers Odyssey crew spent 10 days on Prince of Wales to learn more about issues…

  • Video spotlight

    Video Spotlight: Proven techniques for trout

    I love the old-school feel of today's New Fly Fisher videos. And the short film below is a great all-around tutorial on tackling trout (and bass, frankly) fishing in moving water. Using southern Ontario's Grand River as a backdrop, host Bill Spicer chases fish with proven guides that have a lot of great information for…

  • Fishing Trout Tips

    Trout Tips: Let conditions choose your rod

    An angler fishes a small mountain stream with a shorter, lighter fiberglass rod. For years, I've gravitated to lightweight and shorter fly rods, simply because I usually spend my summers chasing trout in tight quarters along snaking backcountry streams. The shorter rod length lends itself to fishing among overhanging willows, allows for tighter casts, shorter…