
Chris Hunt

  • The Middlebury backstory

    The tale of two Chrises: Chris Wood, above, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited; and Chris Santella, decorated outdoor writer. Both are alums of Vermont's Middlebury College. By Kirk Deeter There’s always a backstory. Someday, I’m going to write a book, called “Backstory” or “Deep Into the Backing,” or something like that, where I spill…

  • Five Rivers Odyssey: The role of commercial fishing in the Tongass

    When people think of Alaska, they often think of large commercial fishing boats raking in their piece of the fortune that salmon bring to the waters off the coast of Alaska. Commercial fishing has shaped Alaska's economy and culture, and it has provided job opportunities in places where they might not normally exist. In Southeast…

  • Gear test: Filson Feather Cloth shirt

    When I think of what makes a great shirt for spending the day on a river, the first attributes that I look for are functionality, fit and color. Functionality, because I want pockets that accommodate fly boxes, fit because I want sleeves with adequate length, and color because I have a hard-enough time not alerting…

  • Fishing Fly tying

    Fly tying: The Chubby Chernobyl

    Everybody loves the venerable Chernoble Ant—the high-floating foam creation that late-summer trout simply can't seem to resisit. Video of Chubby ChernobylAbove, Tim Flagler ties his Chubby Chernobyl, and even gawdier, nuclear-inspired critter that "floats like a cork and works like a charm." Indeed, it is "Hopper Season," after all—there's no better time to tie up…

  • Five Rivers Odyssey: American Salmon Forest

    The Tongass National Forest is often referred to as America’s Salmon Forest because the entire ecosystem depends on salmon in one way or another. Salmon can be traced all the way to the trees, and the cycle runs full circle. Animals that feed on salmon drag the carcasses into forest, effectively applying thousands of pounds…

  • Voices from the river

    Voices from the River: Teachers and preachers

    By Toner Mitchell The four-day gathering was a professional development course for secondary school teachers, its mission to explore the nexus of fly fishing, religion and philosophy, and how the re sulting ferment might motivate resource conservation in anglers (and students). We discussed several texts, some Thoreau, a PhD thesis arguing that fly fishing naturally…