Gear test: Sage SALT HD
When I first started saltwater fly fishing, I was generally clueless as to the role solid fly rods played in the success of anglers pursuing fish that didn't have banks or rapids or waterfalls to stop their runs. Not until I went to the Bahamas for the second time did I come to understand that…
RIO announces winner of Amateur Fly Fishing Film Awards
RIO Products celebrates amateur film makers in the fly fishing arena with its second annual RIO Amateur Fly Fishing Film Awards. With many great films submitted for year two, Meris McHaney took away the grand prize for 2018 with her film “Lucky." "Lucky" - Winner of the RIO Award in the 2018 RIO Amateur Fly…
Skills: Super Easy Non-slip Knot
I use non-slip knots almost exclusively when fishing streamers—I think they give flies more action in the water, and they're very dependable. But, as age and ... evoloving... eyesight are kicking in, tying the knot sometimes takes a while. Video of Super Easy Non Slip Loop KnotAbove, Tim Flager shows a great way to tie…
Video spotlight: Peter’s Test of Manhood
A couple years ago, I bought a small camper in preparation for an extended trip to the Arctic. It's easily been one of my best purchases—it gets regular use, and it gets me and my fishing crew streamside all summer long and well into the fall. But, at first, I struggled with counterintuitive act of…
Video spotlight: Following other anglers
The tell-tale bootprint in the mud. You're not the only one with the inclination to fish this stream today. Imagine yourself on a great backcountry trout stream. Conditions are ripe. Fish are active. Bugs are everywhere. These are the glorious days of summer when some lonesome fishing is exactly what the doctor ordered. Then, as…
Voices from the River: The Bratwurst Theory
By Kirk Deeter I just finished floating the Deschutes River in Oregon with my friends from Korkers. The Deschutes is easily one of my favorite rivers to fish (and least favorite rivers to wade) in the world and there’s nobody better to fish that river with (and remain mostly vertical) than the crew from Korkers.…
Trout Tips: De-boning a trout
While most trout anglers these days practice catch-and-release, there are instances where keeping a trout or two for dinner is perfectly acceptable, and, in some cases, good for the river or stream (a non-native rainbow trout in a cutthroat trout stream, for instance). But even when we keep trout for the occasional meal, it's incumbent…