
Chris Wood

  • Conservation

    Of fish and kids

    By Chris Wood My friend, Blaine, who works for The Conservation Fund, was telling me about the project tour he and his son, Witt, took to Mossy Creek in Virginia on property managed by the great TU Business leader, Mossy Creek Outfitters. Keith Curley, who directs our eastern conservation work, led the tour of work…

  • Conservation

    ‘I am just a typical TU volunteer’

    By Chris Wood Roberta and Curtis Cole are members of the board of the Shasta-Trinity-Cascades Chapter. Like dozens of others, they volunteered at the Trout Unlimited annual meeting in Redding this past weekend. The Coles are like many other members of their chapter—excep t, their house burned to the ground in the Carr Fire. Their…

  • Conservation

    Roadless redux? Really?

    Photo by John Schoen By Chris Wood The state of Alaska’s recent proposal to re-open the roadless debate brought back memories. Mike was flossing his teeth when I entered his office. “I’m sorry. I’m running late for the dentist.” It was 1998, and Mike Dombeck, the chief of the U.S. Forest Service, had proposed a…

  • Conservation

    Two days, one fly

    By Chris Wood Walt shook his head. “It’s up to you man, but I wouldn’t use a streamer. There’s a ton of wood and other snags in the river through the park. But it’s your call.” At the put-in, another guide commented, “I had two really good streamer fishermen hit the same stretch yesterday, and…

  • Conservation

    Bringing back the Big Wood

    Eroding banks along the Bridge to Bridge project area By Chris Wood The sign behind the two-person Trout Unlimited office in Hailey, Idaho, reads, “Parking for Trout Unlimited only. If towed, call Dick York Towing.” It is an inside-Hailey joke as Keri York’s Dad ran Dick York Towing—the only towing business in the Big Wood…

  • Conservation

    A living legend and a fishing machine

    By Chris Wood “Lefty said, ‘give it a try for a year. If it doesn’t work out, you can come back.’” That was in April 1973, and Paul Bruun, fishing guide, writer, and Wyoming raconteur, never looked back. He moved from Miami Beach to Jackson to write for the Jackson Hole Guide. Lefty Kreh’s counsel…

  • Conservation

    Saving salters

    By Chris Wood I admit that I am a bit of a freak about salter brook trout. You consider yourself a seasoned and knowledgeable angler, only to learn of these furtive coastal fish that occupy saltwater habitat and can grow four inches in a single winter in the salt. Daniel Webster is purported to have…