
Chris Wood

  • Conservation

    Remembering Don Garvin

    Three great West Virginia conservationists (from left to right): Don Gasper, Don Garvin, and Larry Harris. It was with deep sadness that I learned of Don Garvin's passing. Don was a true giant of conservation; and a real hero of Trout Unlimited. In addition to being one of the original founders, Don served as a…

  • Conservation

    Tell your story

    My Dad says it happened when I was about 7 years old. Some punk lifeguards and their hangers-on were tormenting a sand shark they had pulled from the surf down the Jersey shore. I marched in between the sea of tree-trunk legs and, through my tears, carried the dead fish back to the surf. My…

  • Conservation

    Flies, flies and more flies

    I tie flies like I play guitar. Poorly. An occasional creation will resemble a known fly, and an even more occasional fly will fool a fish, but my skills as a tyer are limited. That may explain my fascination with really-good tyers—people who can create, with a combination of fur, wire, tinsel, and feathers, creations…

  • Conservation

    Set, set, set!

    “Set, set, set!” I shot up in bed, slammed my hand above the bedpost, and in the process spilled a bottle of water onto my book on the night-stand. Damn Pancho and Teo. Awaking from my dream, and cleaning up the water, I thought about my friend, Pancho Panzer—a proud Trout Unlimited business member and…

  • Conservation

    The Tomorrow Fund

    I landed at the Austin airport, and hustled over to the rental car company only to be told my license had expired the day before. The glee of the two clerks behind the counter was not lost on me. I was 90 minutes from New Braunfels, Texas, where I was scheduled in a few hours…