
Chris Wood

  • From the President

    Fishing is far more than just… fishing.

    Fletcher’s Cove is among the finest urban fisheries in the country. Anglers ply its waters for white perch in February. Really big striped bass then follow the forage fish up from Chesapeake Bay. In March, the hickory and American shad appear...

    “Griz” leaned on the counter of the boathouse and asked: “What was Ray and Joe Fletcher’s Dad’s name. Was it… Julius?” Dan, who has worked at Fletcher’s Cove since 1969 and worked for Joe and Ray Fletcher—the fourth generation of the Fletcher family to run the concession along the Potomac River in Washington, D.C, looked…

  • From the President

    The best guides

    Pete Wood, who after interning with TU became a lawyer in Idaho, taught me to tie my first bread fly (from an old kitchen sponge, and it was deadly on Potomac River carp). I caught my largest native rainbow in Alaska last year with Brian Bowe at the Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge. Pat Berry, who now leads…

  • From the President

    A ‘grand bargain’ on mining

    Meeting America’s clean energy needs & reforming outdated mining laws American Fork Creek, located about halfway between Salt Lake City and Provo, Utah, harbors populations of a rare native trout called the Bonneville cutthroat. Twenty years ago, I stood on its banks looking out over the dirt bike paths and all-terrain vehicle trails crisscrossing mining…

  • From the President

    Not giving up on natives

    Southeast volunteers of all ages offer brook trout a hand

    Southeast volunteers of all ages offer brook trout a hand With all due respect to all the legendary trout states in America, perhaps my favorite Trout Unlimited trip was to my home state of New Jersey. A few TU legendary volunteers, such as Agust Gudmundsson, Rick Axt, Rich Thomas, and the late Rick Ege, offered…

  • From the President

    The Power of Native.

    Like your first kiss, no one ever forgets their first native trout. The memory is as searing as the sun's reflection off snow through a windshield. My friend and fishing mentor, Bill Sargent had pointed me to a small and little-known stream in the Green Mountains to fish for native brook trout. Bill explained to…

  • From the President

    A National Network of Priority Waters

    Tom Sawyer was made to whitewash the fence as a punishment for being mischievous, but he appeared to be having such a good time with the chore that soon all his friends were bribing him with apples, feathers and other trinkets so they could paint, too. There’s a lesson in Mark Twain’s story that speaks…

  • From the President

    Bully for the Forest

    Last week, the Forest Service proposed a new policy that is protective of old growth forests on our publicly owned 191 million acres of national forests. This is welcome news as old growth forests are important for their role in storing carbon and providing healthy habitat for fish and wildlife (among many other things). Importantly,…