Yellowstone: Still open for business
Here’s how you can give back to the communities and businesses that give so much to visiting anglers and outdoor lovers Feast or famine—that is the weather pattern in the West. My friend Nate Blue recently wrote and told me that his town of Bodfish, Calif., had received 0.95 inches of rain so far in…
Fishing isn’t just about catching fish
My son Casey and I recently went out for shad on a cold and blustery day.When we arrived at Fletcher’s Boathouse on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C., Alex, the manager, warned us not to row too far. “I just finished bringing someone back who got stuck in the wind, and I almost didn’t make…
The next half-century of hydropower
How hydropower relicensing clears a path for migratory trout and salmon Trout Unlimited cares about hydropower because trout and salmon are migratory fish and the fact is, dams are tough on migratory fish. In the case of the Columbia and Snake River dams, for example, the downstream delayed mortality for juvenile smolt at each of…
Bridging differences on the Snake
Working to change minds and save wild salmon in the Pacific Northwest Last week, I visited Lewiston, Idaho, where visitors are greeted with a sign proclaiming, “Thank you for visiting Idaho’s only seaport.” Lewiston is some 345 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. What makes it a “seaport” are the reservoirs formed by a series…
Selling fly fishing and doing conservation
From big rod makers to small tackle shops, the fly industry makes caring for our waters part of the mission A while ago, I became a member of the American Fly Fishing and Tackle Trade Association, the trade association of the fly-fishing industry. Over the years, the group has been a strong supporter of our…
Hold the line on the Great Lakes
Will Washington do what it takes to prevent yet another invasive species from wreaking havoc on fisheries? Most of us have seen the videos of flying carp. As a bowhunter, my favorites are the ones where people use arrows to target the leaping fish. Most of the time the video ends with a few fish…
This force for native trout and salmon conservation is in Texas. (Yes, Texas.)
The Guadalupe River chapter of TU looks well beyond their state and their (engineered) river to drive important conservation changes for native trout around the nation.
Native fish come first at Trout Unlimited. Wild trout come second, when they do not compromise native fish. Hatchery fish do not belong if they interfere with wild and native fish. TU was founded on the banks of the Au Sable River of Michigan by a group of anglers who were frustrated that the state…