
Chris Wood

  • From the President

    The Clean Water Act at 50

    Landmark law is still at work keeping waters clean from the source to cities As 50th birthday celebrations go, it was a wet and cold affair. This week, I joined environmental policymakers from the White House and Congress in marking the anniversary of the Clean Water Act, one of the most important laws signed in…

  • From the President

    The State of TU

    Chris Wood presents the State of TU at CX3 2022 in Portland, Maine. During the Trout Unlimited CX3 conference in Portland, Maine, this month, President and CEO Chris Wood, spoke about the urgent work ahead to make our waters cleaner, our fisheries healthier, and our communities more connected. “We live in a world today where our relationship with nature is broken,” he said. “We live in a…

  • From the President

    The Best of TU

    This year, two conservation stalwarts took home the award recognizing volunteer leadership One of the highlights of the year for me is presenting the Ray Mortensen award to our top volunteer leaders. Chris Wood presents the Mortensen to Jim Walker via Zoom during the annual State of TU address. “The Mortensen” honors a man from…

  • From the President

    The next half-century of hydropower

    How hydropower relicensing clears a path for migratory trout and salmon Trout Unlimited cares about hydropower because trout and salmon are migratory fish and the fact is, dams are tough on migratory fish. In the case of the Columbia and Snake River dams, for example, the downstream delayed mortality for juvenile smolt at each of…