GRTU Tomorrow Fund’s third year raises more than $30K for youth programs
Trout Unlimited volunteers have a lot to pass on in terms of passion for the great outdoors: between fly casting and fly tying, matching the hatch and tying knots our hands are literally full when it comes to inspiring and involving the next generation. Every year, chapters put up record numbers of youth outreach hours…
TU chapters challenged to donate to Tomorrow Fund
TU Teen alum Andrew Dang recently received the inaugural Emerging Leader Award at TU, an accomplishment that received some stellar coverage in the Summer issue of Trout magazine. As part of the award, Headwaters staff had a chance to talk with Andrew about his time at TU: "My love for conservation grew from my love…
Video Puts Words into Motion for Headwaters Program
https://vimeo.com/75168059 Sometimes it is downright difficult to put something into words. Try as you might, you can't take a personal experience and capture it in sentences or paragraphs. Language up and fails you, neglecting to convey, translate or relate. Such was my challenge as director of TU's Headwaters Youth Program. Summer after summer, I've attended…
