Celebrate #EarthDayAtHome with TU
Celebrating #EarthDayAtHome as we stay safe during the pandemic
Earth Day is turning 50 on April 22, and we should all be outside together picking up trash, planting trees, teaching kids about conservation and celebrating our shared commitment to a better future. But we can't. Millions of Americans are reeling from the challenges, pain and loss of COVID-19 and trapped in self-imposed isolation, state-mandated…
TU Family Field Trip: Riparian buffer restoration
Planting a native tree or shrub along a river is one of the best things you can do to restore and protect the health of the stream for decades to come. It is also a great activity to do with your kids, as not only is there an immediate and tangible benefit to the activity,…
TU Family Field Trip: Pollution pickup
Take your kids on a quest to become "Pollution Preventers" and head to a local river or stream to pick up trash from in or along the water. Use the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the outdoors, but also to discover and discuss the impacts and outcomes of our reliance on single-use plastics, the…
TU Family Field Trip: Macroinvertebrates under a magnifying glass
Learn what trout eat and how the presence of certain insects is an indicator of a cold, healthy stream. If it's safe and legal where you live, take the kids down to the local stream, roll some rocks and take a look at the bugs you find under a microscope.
Encourage your kids to splash around a river and get a little wet by doing a macroinvertebrate study. Your kids will be amazed at all the tiny bugs living under the rocks, sticks and riffles in your local river. All you'll need for this great outdoors event are: Waders, boots or water shoesA window screen…
TU Family Field Trip: Become a RIVERS ranger
The new RIVERS app from Trout Unlimited puts the power of a professional stream assessment tool in the palm of your hand and is the perfect way to get kids outside and doing "real" science. A mobile application designed to help TU members and volunteers develop a database of disturbances on their home rivers, RIVERS…
TU Family Field Trip: Take a Headwaters Hike
We all live downstream — and what happens in the headwaters of our watersheds impacts the quality of our drinking water supply, the health of the local ecosystems, and the quality of life we enjoy. One of the best ways to bring the concept of a watershed to life for youth is by literally tracing…
“LOCAL” – My Road to TU & Conservation
https://youtu.be/h1bjhKFPxWo Vote for NCC-TU’s film, “Local” in this year’s RIO Amateur Fly Fishing Film Awards contest, Click here to vote. Voting closes June 30 at midnight! Vote for NCCTU in the Rio Amateur Film Awards by Andrew Reichardt It’s funny to think about how I first got involved with Trout Unlimited. It wasn’t on a…