
Jenny Weis

  • Bristol Bay Ambassadors: Martin Kviteng

    Trout Unlimited's Bristol Bay Ambassadors program highlights the people who help in the fight to save Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine. As we said at the launch, "For every person we highlight, we know there are hundreds more, doing their part because they care about Bristol Bay." If you know someone who should be featured,…

  • The Case of the Shrinking Chinook

    Photo by Arne Johnson By: Mark Hieronymus The mighty Chinook salmon, the largest of the Pacific salmon species and the state fish of Alaska, is shrinking, according to a recent article in Fish and Fisheries (2018). Fisheries researchers from Alaska and Washington analyzed several databases spanning more than 40 years and looked at over 1.5…

  • Big news on the Pebble Mine front

    NEWS: Last Friday, the U.S. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt announced that he would not withdraw the 2014 Clean Water Act 404(c) Proposed Determination for Bristol Bay, Alaska. What does this mean? The Proposed Determination, when finalized would have put restrictions on mining the Pebble Deposit. In May, those restrictions were heading toward being done away…

  • Pebble’s permit application accepted by Army Corps

    Photo by Tim Romano Step 1: Take a deep breath. Really. Have you done it? Ok good. Now keep reading. On Friday, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted Pebble’s application for permits to mine in Bristol Bay. Step 2: repeat step one. The fact that the Pebble mine proposal even got this far is…

  • Holiday ideas from TU’s Alaska Program

    Pride of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon. By: Nelli Williams In the holiday spirit? Looking for ways to support TU’s work in Alaska while knocking a few things off your holiday to do list? Here are a few ideas from the TU Alaska Team. Bristol Bay wild salmon - serve at a holiday party or send…

  • Pebble Mine footprint – PR changes nothing

    Cartoon by Michael O'Meara The past several months the Pebble Partnership, who aims to develop the highly controversial and widely opposed Pebble Mine in Bristol, Bay Alaska, has been touting their new mine plans to Alaskans in hopes of winning them over with new "smaller " and "safer" design claims. Alaskans see through the rhetoric…

  • A Shared Vision for the Tongass

    Photo by Alan Corbett By Erin Heist Though the days of timber barons have long expired, Southeast Alaska's Tongass National Forest is no stranger to timber wars in recent decades. However, with a recent and hard-fought amendment to the Tongass Land Management Plan (TLMP) by TU and many partners, Southeast Alaskans formed a shared vision…