
Kara Armano

After inheriting the fishing bug from her dad at a young age, fly fishing has taken a central part in Kara's life for over 30…

  • Conservation Featured Featured From the field Science

    Faces of Restoration: Capitan Forestry in Oregon

    Restoration work in Oregon couldn’t happen without Capitan Forestry. The Grande Ronde and North Fork of the John Day headwaters are critical habitat and special places to fish, and the collaboration between TU and Capitan is making it even better.   Capitan Forestry historically specialized in upland forest restoration work, but after partnering with TU’s aquatic restoration efforts in the…

  • Gear reviews

    Book review: A must-read for those who share the passion

    xcite is exactly what his words did for me during the dead of winter doldrums when fishing doesn’t have the same allure that summer hatches bring.

    As a wanna-be fly fishing writer, I know just how hard it is to make words dance, excite and motivate. But as I put down Dave Karczynski’s Calling After Water; Dispatches from a Fishing Life, I deeply felt the calling of rivers and streams thanks to his effortless prose. Excite is exactly what his words…

  • Headwaters

    Fish for Change

    An incredible opportunity for a high schooler to experience a life-changing fishing trip Recalling back to my days as a high school student, I would’ve given the world to be able to go on a fishing trip of a lifetime. Creating change through fly fishing is eventually where my life took me, but it was…

  • Partnerships

    Reels to the rescue

    How a partnership with iconic Colorado companies benefits TU’s Embrace A Stream program If only you could really embrace a stream; actually give it a hug and hold it in your arms. Since that isn’t possible, Trout Unlimited creates opportunities for grassroots chapters to embrace a stream in their home waters via grants for habitat…

  • Headwaters

    Kids at play on Butcherknife Creek

    No, this isn’t some horror film title; though it is that season. Instead, it’s an incredible opportunity for learning and career planning in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Bennett Colvin, a teacher in Steamboat for over a decade, has been taking his Steamboat Springs High School students to Butcherknife Creek adjacent to the school for several years.…

  • Science

    From Internship to Career

    One-time TU Science Intern, John Walrath, finds value in partnerships John Walrath was already deeply immersed in the world of fisheries when he took a summer internship with TU’s Science team. For his master’s program, John was studying the predation happening in Lake Coeur d’Alene on Westslope Cutthroat Trout by the resident smallmouth bass, and…