Women love to see other women on the water
I’ve been fishing the majority of my life. From a young age, I yearned to join my brother and dad on the river, so once I was old enough to safely wade solo, I did just that. Since that young age and for years later, I always fished with either male family members or my…
Conservation victories make not fishing tolerable
Fall fishing is typically one of my favorite times to be on the water. The crowds shrink, the colors pop and the trout eat. But this fall, I’m spending more time recovering on the couch than under the cottonwoods with some meat tied to the end of my line. Recovery from my third surgery this year is going…
Plan and then plan again
The year 2020 has been a year of wrecked plans
The year 2020 has been a year of wrecked plans. Any sort of travel – cancelled. Celebrations with friends and family – done through Zoom. Even the regular trip to the grocery store or out to eat – reimagined with a mask and attempts at social distancing. This is even truer for me dealing with the ravages…
The altered definition of a river in one angler’s mind
For many within the ranks of TU, a river is not a river if no fish live in it. And until recently, I couldn’t have agreed more, but a recent trip to a very dry desert in southwestern Utah helped change my mind. As you’ve probably heard, the Southwestern U.S. is in a megadrought. We haven’t seen the likes…
The importance of quality partnerships
Across the country, Trout Unlimited takes pride in its long-standing partnership with the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). In many western states, enormous national forests containing many vital watersheds and trout streams are in desperate need of restoration to help prevent catastrophic wildfires and to protect those aquatic resources. The existing partnerships frame those challenges and opportunities. In Arizona,…
Rainbows and unicorns
Have I mentioned the water is low? Dismally low, but maybe there's hope on the horizon. Agricultural producers saw their fields soak up every bit of moisture from last winter’s snow, and now with no monsoon season and hot, dry, windy conditions, things are looking bad. Leaves are starting the change early and the crunch of…
Could “critical minerals” development affect your home water?
New report from Trout Unlimited shows half of critical mineral deposits overlap with trout and salmon habitat At Trout Unlimited, we understand the desire to balance conservation of trout and salmon fisheries with needs of the 21st century. We all rely on the cell phones in our pockets and the computers on our desks (not…