Back to school with TU
In Central Oregon and Seattle, TU programming ignites a passion for river conservation in youth. A TU Educator shares a watershed lesson with students along the lower Deschutes River with custom field journals to capture notes. In the Pacific Northwest, fun and educational programs are underway now that school is back in session, thanks to…
Tip – Small Stream Fishing
If you haven’t already, now is the time to hit small creeks for great end-of-summer fishing. They don’t hold the biggest fish, but the fish are generally plentiful and beautiful. Plus, the waters are often cooler than bigger rivers, which is a quality to adhere to when temperatures rise. Tom Rosenbauer, of Orvis fame, tells…
TU Goes to Spain
Stream Salmonids Symposium offers a venue to highlight TU’s science work and learn from scientists around the globe. On the banks of the Mediterranean Sea, some 75 salmonid scientists from around the world congregated at the Stream Salmonids Symposium VI in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. The idea was to present their work to colleagues, share…
Technology Busts Barrier Hunting
Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data is helping TU’s restoration teams work more efficiently and effectively. Removing barriers to fish passage is a big part of Trout Unlimited’s work across the country, but you might be amazed to learn how complicated finding culverts or low-head dams can be. For years, TU staff has been heading…
NYC Students Benefit from Trout in the Classroom
This enduring program teaches city students the value of a healthy environment Trout in the classroom: it’s a concept that’s been around Trout Unlimited and executed to great effect for more than three decades. The idea is simple: install a fish tank, fill it with water, insert eggs, watch them hatch and grow, learn about…
Dams Complicate Fish Migration
Science shows downstream passages wreak havoc on migratory fish Anadromous fish have it rough. Not only do these fish swim miles and miles from their natal streams out to the ocean to grow while surviving its many predators and then swim all the way back to spawn, but we also throw dams in their way…
TU Science Team Uses Genetics to Help Guide Management Needs for a Threatened Trout
Lahontan cutthroat trout genetics expand conservation options There’s a species extinction crisis happening right now, and that includes trout. Extinction is evident across our landscapes thanks to things like habitat loss and disconnection, non-native species, and, of course, climate change. TU's science team collecting genetics data One species threatened with extinction is the famed Lahontan…