TU Science Team Uses Genetics to Help Guide Management Needs for a Threatened Trout
Lahontan cutthroat trout genetics expand conservation options There’s a species extinction crisis happening right now, and that includes trout. Extinction is evident across our landscapes thanks to things like habitat loss and disconnection, non-native species, and, of course, climate change. TU's science team collecting genetics data One species threatened with extinction is the famed Lahontan…
Simms wader sales benefit Yellowstone
Wader sales that give back will help raise money for ecosystem restoration after devastating floods Who ever heard of a pair of waders that gives back? No, I’m not talking about the gift of perpetual dry feet and legs, though you know that is a gift if you’ve ever witnessed the reaction of someone stepping…
Simms Head Coach
What happened when the Montana fishing gear manufacturer took on mental health amid a global pandemic Anglers know that fly fishing can be a mental health salve to help get through the crazy times, but in recent years the fishing gear company Simms has taken it one step further to help build mental resiliency for…
TU’s Drew Peternell asks for Coloradans to speak up on Water Plan
Community Agriculture Alliance: Common ground on water As originally printed in the Steamboat Pilot & Today on November 3, 2021 Unless you’ve been avoiding the national news in recent months, you are well-aware of the ongoing drought gripping the Colorado River basin. In September, the United States Bureau of Reclamation declared a Stage 1 water…
Low light is trout-watching light
The gnarled, dark brown bark of cottonwoods lining rivers throughout the west make the yellow leaves glow in the sinking sun. And that low sun has other advantages when it comes to fishing. As I approached the water, I saw the tell-tale signs of fish working the water column. Mostly it was dorsal fins cresting…
Conservationists: Energy development strategy should be done responsibly
As originally printed in the Casper Star Tribune Public land, natural resource use or development, and wildlife are all integral parts of our culture and livelihoods in Wyoming. After a century of trying to balance the protection of Wyoming’s people, water, air, land and wildlife with the impacts and benefits from energy production, we’ve learned…
Celebrating the Gila River while asking for ‘wild and scenic’ designation
Seventeen years after I first visited, I finally made my way back to the Gila River. Last week, about 75 attendees convened in Silver City, N.M., to celebrate the Gila River, expand our knowledge of the area and its extensive list of supporters, and of course, got out on the stunning landscape to renew our…